Commuters Guide

Etiquette in Metro

While purchasing tickets, while entering/exiting at AFC gate and boarding for the train, stand in the queue.
Cooperate with security personnel
Keep away from the tactile path meant for the visually impaired.
Take care of your belongings
Be more alert while traveling with small children and babies.
Throw your ticket in the dustbin after use
If you hear or see anything unusual on the train or station, please inform the Metro staff or security personnel.
Avoid drunkenness and abusive behavior.
It is illegal to beg, sell products or create public nuisance on trains and stations. Please report this to the station staff.
Do not spit in the metro premises.
Do not throw garbage in the metro premises.
Pets are prohibited inside station premises and trains.
Do not smoke in the metro premises.
Do not travel without a valid ticket.
Do not share your ticket with anyone else while traveling
Do not step on the Metro track.
Do not put posters in metro stations or trains.
Do not run, sit or play on the escalator.
Stand away from the train doors
To avoid accidents, do not crowd the platform or push other passengers.
Male passengers are requested not to travel in ladies reserved coaches
Do not ride your bicycle in the metro premises
Please produce your tickets to authorized Metro employee, when requested to do so.
Do not leave your baggage or property unattended.
Do not disregard any announcements made or directions given by authorized Metro officials.

Facilities during any emergencies

Passenger may communicate with Train Operator using PECU button available in each train during any emergency. 04 available in each car
Passenger may use Emergency Stop Plunger to stop the incoming, outgoing and standby train during any emergency. 02 available on each platform
Passenger may use Manual call points to initiate an alarm signal during any fire. Available at each level of station
Portable Fire Extinguishers are available at stations and inside trains to handle small fires in trains and stations.

Passenger safety

All employees working in Metro are given special training for their work
24X7 CCTV surveillance is maintained at stations premises and trains by trained personnel.
Trained security personnel are equipped with portable communication facility systems.
To prevent entry of passenger with any illegal or dangerous goods, before entering the AFC gate their luggage is checked by modern equipment .
All deployed personnel are trained to handle emergency situations

Safety Hazard

If you discover a potential safety hazard to yourself or others, Keep calm and move away from the place.Use the emergency alarm to alert metro staff.

Prohibition against carriage of dangerous items on Metro Premises

Explosive substances which possess risk of explosion or fire or both;
Gases compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure;
Petroleum and other inflammable liquids;
Inflammable solids;
Oxidizing substances;
Poisonous (toxic) substances;
Acids and other corrosives;
Radioactive substances;
Weapons, arms and ammunitions.
Any Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Enhanced Conventional Weapons which possess risk to passengers or property

Prohibition for carriage of Offensive items in Metro

Blood dried or coagulated or decomposed, whether human or animal
Carcasses of dead animals or of dead birds
bones excluding bleached and cleaned bones
human skeleton
parts of human body
portable radio devices which possess risk to radio communication network or communication based traffic control signalling network
No person shall take or allow to take live animals or birds in metro

Facilities for Women Passengers

One coach is reserved for ladies
Signages have been provided at platform to indicate the location of reserved ladies coach.
Zero tolerance for drunkards and trouble makers.
Zero tolerance for drunkards and trouble makers.
Quick reaction teams have been deployed to nab the offenders
Female Security staff has been deployed at stations for frisking.
Provision of Baby Care Room at every station

Facilities for Divyangjan

Extra Wide Automatic flap gates for wheelchairs
Provision of wheelchair at stations
Reserved spaces for wheelchair in trains
Tactile paths for visually impaired
Separate washroom/toilets.
Ramps for change in the level
Handrails alongside stairs
Lifts are provided with Wide access doors, Hand rails, Audio-visual indications, Telephone buttons, Call buttons in braille.
Signage at prominent locations for guidance
Audio/visual indication while closing of train doors
Station staff provides personal assistance
Special low height ticket counters have been provided at all stations
Provision of Emergency Call Bell in washroom to give distress call

Do's at Security check-Ups

Cooperate with the Metro staff in friendly frisking & security check-ups.
Limit your baggage to 25 kg.
Allow your luggage be scanned
Take care of your belongings


Don't at Security check-Ups
Do not carry baggage exceeding 80 cm (Length) x 50 cm (Width) x 30 cm (Height) in size.

Do's at AFC Entry/Exit gate

Stand in queue while making entry/exit from AFC Gate
Take care of children while passing through the AFC gate. When accompanaying children under the height of 3 feet, make sure they are firmly held in your arms
Make proper entry/exit from your ticket/Maha card


Don't at AFC Entry/Exit gate
Do not jump from AFC gate (Flap).

Do's at Platform

Stand behind the yellow line in a queue, not in the middle of the door.
Stand behind the yellow line in queue while waiting for train
Let the passengers from train alight first.
Mind the gap between the edge of the platform & the Train doors while boarding or deboarding the train
Follow instrcutions of Security Guard stationed at the platforms.
Follow instrcutions of Security Guard stationed at the platforms.
Check the arrival time of your train from the Passenger Information Display System (PIDS)
Take care of your belongings
Be more alert while traveling with small children and babies.
Report any suspicious or unattended item to station staff/ Metro security.
Contact Metro staff if any belonging falls on track.
Do not obstruct the tactile path meant for visually impaired (visually impaired) persons.
Take care of your loose items like Dhoti, Kurta, Saree, bag etc while boarding and Alighting
Inform to Train driver if any item like saree, dupatta, dhoti is stucked in train doors by using Passenger Emergency alarm button


Don't at Platform
Do not push your co-passengers at the platform or while entering the train.
Do not stand in front of train door.
Do not try to enter when train doors are closing.
Do not smoke at station or inside the train.
Do not spit/ create nuisance on station and platform area, stations and inside the trains.
Do not access the track to pick the belongings that drop on the track (contact metro staff for assistance).
Do not eat or drink on station/ in train.
Do not block the train doors when they are closing.
Do not attempt to board the train when doors are closing.
Do not come near the moving train, out of curiosity.
Do not try to force open the train doors.
Do not cross from one platform to the other using the Metro tracks.
Do not travel on the roof of the train.
Do not let children play on platform. Keep hold of them..
Do not misuse communication or safety equipment.

Do's on train

Pay attention to announcements.
Always check there is no unattended or suspicious article lying anywhere within the coach or anywhere in station area.
Hold on to the handrail or strap hanger while standing
Always use the safety belt for wheelchair passengers
offer your seat to Divyangjan, Senior citizen, elderly, Pregnant & Sick person
Stand away from train doors
Take care of your belongings
Take care of your loose items like Dhoti, Kurta, Saari, bag etc while boarding and Alighting the train
Inform to Train driver if any item like saari, dupatta, dhoti is stucked in train doors by using Passenger Emergency alarm button


Don't on Train
Don't use passenger alarm unless it's a real emergency.
Do not put your hand on the train doors or door edges
Do not play music speakers on the train or at stations.
Do not lean on train doors.
Do not talk loudly
Do not sit on the floor of the train.
Do not eat inside the coach.
Do not carry heavy bags to avoid inconvenience to fellow passengers.
Do not sit on the gangway of the train
Do not Smoke in the train or at the station.
Do not try to force open the closing / locked doors of the train.
Do not put up posters in metro stations or trains.
Do not sit on the train seat with laps / legs folded
Take care of your loose items (sari, dupatta, dhoti bag etc.) while boarding/disembarking
Passengers can inform the train pilot if passengers/goods/materials are stuck in train doors by using passenger alarm button

Do's for Escalators

Hold the handrail while using escalator
Always face towards the moving direction of Escalator
Take extra care of children, the elderly and the specially-abled
Move away from escalator after reaching destination.
In case of emergency, press emergency stop buttons. located at the bottom, top & centre of the escalator.
Take care of your loose items like Dhoti, Kurta, Saree, bag etc while using Escalators
Inform customer care if escalator is not working
If Escalators is not operational, use alternatives like stairs, lifts


Don't for Escalators
Do not use the escalator when it is not working.
Do not take prams or baggage on the escalators
Do not stand or wait in the landing area of escalators
Don't carry luggage on your head.
Don't sit, run or play on escalators.
Don't lean outside the handrail.

Do's for Lift

Stand away from lift doors. Step inside only when the lift has stopped and the doors have fully opened.
Press your destination button gently (indicator in button shows your call is registered; p: platform, c: concourse).
Use door open button only when necessary. Preventing doors from closing delay service for other users.
Use emergency alarm/intercom button only during emergency situations.
Give priority to specially abled, Senior citizen, elderly, Pregnant & Sick person


Don't for Lift
Do not use elevators in case of fire.
Do not try to forcefully open the door.
Do not try to enter when elevator doors are closing.
Do not smoke inside elevator.
Do not panic if you get stuck inside elevator for whatsoever reason. Be patient, remain calm, you are safe. Press alarm or intercom button to call for help.